Articles and Insights

Learn tips and tricks from our Search Engine Optimization experts in Atlanta

Ada Compliance

ADA Compliant Website Design

While this may seem to stifle your design, if you’re doing your due diligence, you’re not only providing some protection for your client, but also representing their brand to its fullest audience by creating a website that everyone can appreciate.

Gary Steffins|Read More
Seo vs sem whats the difference

Search Engine Optimization vs Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are two separate but important strategies for accessing your audience online. In this article, we briefly discuss each strategy and the differences between the two.

Darrell Armstead|Read More
On site seo dont be in a desert

What is on-site SEO?

If on-site search engine optimization came down to a line from Bill & Ted it would be “Create useful content and present it in an excellent way”.

Gary Steffins|Read More
Winterize Website

Winterize your Website

When winter arrives we generally take steps to ensure our cars and homes are prepared for season. Here's a few tips, steps and precautions to ensure your website is also running efficiently.

Gary Steffins|Read More
Google Serp

Your SEO and Google’s SERP Updates

Although you may not have noticed, Google recently made some big changes to the way they are presenting information on their search engine results page, or SERPs, and it has quietly disrupted some of the foundational best practices of search engine optimization.

Chris Kosiba|Read More